PR 101:

The Ultimate Guide to Pitching

About This eBook

Let's face it, pitching journalists and earning media placements for your brand and clients is no easy feat. With journalists being severely outnumbered and news stories constantly being shared, it's important to target the right message to the right person at the right time. That's why we analyzed over 1000 pitches to find what works and how you can repeat this process for success.

Review 3 different examples of pitches that followed a similar format, included a newsworthy angle with supporting information, and resulted in coverage.

What you’ll learn?


Learn how to craft newsworthy, succinct pitches based on specific topics.

Keywords & Data

Learn how to best incorporate keywords and data into your pitches so they stand out in a journalist’s inbox.


Learn how to time your pitches around popular news topics and why this leads to success.

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