Media Glances
A recap of recent articles and recommended journalists delivered to your inbox daily.
Discover new journalists and monitor recent articles
Every day, you'll receive a list of reporters, editors, and more related to the same journalists you're pitching or searching for along with a list of articles related to your media besties.
Receive a list of journalists to put on your radar
Each daily email includes new and noteworthy journalists for your clients and their news. View the topics journalists cover, and save them to your profile directly from the email.

Keep up to date on new articles from journalists you follow
Media Glances also include recent articles from journalists whose beats are most closely related to your clients. View the most recent articles along with a summary, topics, and the publishing date.
“OnePitch is a phenomenal tool! So needed and ahead of the competition with all that its tech does.
I love that it creates media lists, lets me know if my pitches include everything needed, and reminds me when it's time to follow up. This company truly puts itself in the position of its users, has excellent customer service, and provides an ideal experience. I highly recommend it!”
- Christie Bilbrey, Owner of Stella Nova PR
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