The Vault - Resource Library
Browse real pitch examples, actionable tips, and expert advice.
Pitch Examples
The PERFECT place for getting started on OnePitch. View pitching prompts, real examples of pitches that generated coverage, and download pitch checklists.

Pitch Examples
Not sure how to format a pitch? Copy and paste these "prompts" into the Create form(s) on OnePitch.

Pitch Checklists
Make sure your pitch has all the ingredients journalists want when it arrives in their inbox.

Pitches That Placed
5 examples of pitches that placed in top-tier publications and how you can replicate the same tactics in your own pitches.
Journalist Pitching Preferences
Get actionable tips and exclusive advice directly from journalists for pitching your clients and company news.

Pitch Preferences
Learn from 20+ journalists on exactly how they want to be pitched. From formatting to image preferences, these give you a detailed breakdown to amplify your chances of connecting.

Coffee with a Journalist
Our weekly podcast featuring the industries' top journalists sharing their preference when it comes to pitching and relationship building.

State of Pitching
A comprehensive overview of 50 reporters, editors, and freelancers from 39 various top tier and trade publications.
PR Resources
Find the latest tips & tricks, podcast episodes, and blogs related to all things PR and pitching.

The TypeBar
The OnePitch blog featuring hundreds of PR tips and advice from both PR industry veterans and journalists themselves.
Coming Soon: FAQs
Find answers to the most common questions submitted by members of the OnePitch community.

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